Registration is closed for this event
February 11th, 2025 7:00 AM   through   4:30 PM
WESTLAKE, OH 44145-2450
United States

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Lunch Sponsor 1500.000000000
Sponsor 1000.000000000
Vendor 450.000000000


The Cleveland Safety Forum & the Cleveland OSHA Office have teamed to provide Northeast Ohio with our 13th annual Construction Safety Day.  The forum is looking for sponsors for this grand event.  The Cleveland Safety Forum is excited about this great opportunity to educate, network and learn.  Hurry before this opportunity slips away!

Lunch Sponsor, Sponsor, and Vendor opportunities are now available! 

Lunch Sponsor  -  $1,500

Sponsor - $1,000

Vendor  - $450


If you are a sponsor registering your 5 free participants and need assistance, please contact [email protected] to register.