Black History Month - Almamy Seydi

Almamy Seydi
The Ruhlin Company
Project engineer
How many years have you worked in the industry?
2 Years
Do you have a favorite Black historical figure? If so, who and why?
The black historical figure that I admire is Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop from Senegal in West Africa. He is a renowned scientist and anthropologist. Among his many contributions, he advanced the application of radiocarbon dating, also known as carbon-14 dating, which helps determine the time of death for human and animals. Dr Diop also conducted extensive research on Egypt ancient civilization and the demographics of Sub-Saharan Africa, shedding light on the rich history and contributions of African populations.
What attracted you to the construction industry and what do you enjoy most about your job?
I got attracted to the construction industry because I enjoy seeing things being built from start to finish. I appreciate being part of a team working on a project, doing my part and learning from the field crew. Either building a dam, a bridge, a building, a solar farm and so on.
What do you feel can be done to attract more minorities to the construction industry?
Attend career fairs in schools, colleges and universities that have a decent African American community and speak about construction jobs opportunities, summer internships. Another way to attract African Americans would be to partner with minority organizations Like ESS at Cleveland State University or other schools and have companies' representatives speak about career opportunities.
What do you like to do in your free time?
On my free time, I enjoy doing either of these things; reading or listening to a podcast, spend quality time with family, go for a run or play soccer.