CEA Joins Over 1,000 Stakeholders for Cadillac Tax Repeal


CEA recently signed-in to a broad stakeholder letter to repeal the “Cadillac Tax.” We are looking to fully repeal the “Cadillac Tax” by the end of the year. These signatures represent large corporations and small companies, nonprofits, labor unions, cancer and patient groups, and state/local groups who share the concern that the “Cadillac Tax” is forcing them to increase deductibles and cut health care at rates that hurt workers and their families leaving them vulnerable to untenable health care costs. 

Attached is the letter that will be sent up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY).

If you would like to add your organization to the letter, you can click this link: https://forms.gle/7dNM4nX28LcM9DXD6

For more information contact Tara Bradshaw at [email protected].