Drug Testing: 90 Contractors Register in 1st Wave


Ninety contractors registered their Designated Representatives in the first wave of contractor registrations.

Check the Registry

Under changes recently made to the industry-wide Construction Industry Substance Abuse Program (CISAP), contractor DRs must register with CISAP in order to (1) receive same-day notice of tradespersons selected for random testing and (2) coordinate any requested tradesperson excuses for missing a scheduled random test.

From the CISAP Policy

"Designated Representative (DR) - Contact person appointed by an employer or union to work H)directly with the program’s Third Party Administrator (TPA). An employer’s DR and union’s DR are to work together for the successful management of this program. When a Union member fails a drug test, laboratory results will be disclosed to that member’s Union DR for purposes of coordinating assistance through an EAP/MAP. When a participating non-bargaining employee fails a drug test, laboratory results will be disclosed to that employee’s Employer DR for purposes of coordinating assistance through an EAP/MAP. All DRs are to keep privileged substance abuse information confidential."

"C) Selection of employees for CGST drug testing will be conducted through the use of a CGST number generator or other neutral selection process. The Third Party Administrator will randomly select and test a minimum of 25% of the participants annually by Computer Generated Selection Test (CGST).

          1) Excused from Testing – Reason and documentation for missing a CGST must be provided to the Union Designated Representative and Employer Designated Representative if the Employer DR has registered with CISAP. If, after conferring with each other, the Union DR and Employer DR disagree as to the validity of a requested excuse, the matter may be settled through the grievance procedure in the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
          2) A CISAP participant is allowed two (2) lifetime validated excuses for missing a CGST, after which failure to report for a CGST would be considered a policy violation (refer to Corrective Action, VI(B)(5)).

The TPA will send written notice to each participant randomly selected for CGST by United States Postal Service (USPS) and will simultaneously send written notice (by agreed upon electronic means or regular mail) to each randomly selected participant’s Union DR. In addition, on the day the USPS notices are sent, the TPA will email a list of all randomly selected participants to the list of Employer DRs who have registered with CISAP.

CGST selected participants must report for drug testing within three (3) calendar days of the date upon which the TPA notice is sent (as determined by USPS postmark date). This three-day period excludes holidays recognized in the applicable collective bargaining agreement.

An employee’s failure to report for the CGST shall be grounds for Corrective Action."

Contractors who haven't yet registered can do so by clicking below.

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